Tuesday, April 10, 2007

The “Secret” is about Taking Action!

There is so much information out there about “how to” accomplish and get anything you want or desire in your life.

The increasingly popular system of The Secret (although, the secret is now out) that was featured on Oprah and Larry King, is about getting all that you seek; wealth, health, relationships, or whatever else you desire by first thinking and believing in it in a positive and consistently way. However, many people overlook the next important step. That step is in order to have it manifest in your life you have to follow it up with action.

Whether it is to take action, or act in a certain way that successful people do, you must follow your thoughts with ACTION.

Like with your health and fitness it doesn’t matter how many books you read, blogs you read, videos you watch, CD’s you listen to, or people you talk to – if you don’t take any physical action to follow it up you’ll remain out of shape!

I can give my clients all the information about how to lose fat, gain muscle, perform better, look better, be healthier, etc., but unless I am there with them (like in an actual training session) I cannot be sure they’ll do what needs to get done to reach those goals. I don’t know if they’ll take action.

However, what I can do is to think (thought) and then create (take action) a system that can help my clients to take action by way of accountability.

This is how I run my personal training business FPC/Beyond Fitness. For example, when you set an appointment to be trained by me or one of my trainers you’re held accountable to show up for that session. Then, in your workout session you take action as we guide you through the exercises that need to be done to reach your health and fitness goals.

So, how do I help you to continue doing what needs to get done on your hours and days you are not with a trainer? Again, the secret is in our Plan of Action process that holds you accountable in which to follow through with consistent action.

When you hire one of our professional trainers at FPC/Beyond Fitness your trainer/coach will design a “plan of action” program for you to follow for which you will be held accountable to follow.

This program doesn’t just cover what you’ll be doing in your workout session, but also includes your best action approach when you are outside of your workout sessions. This may include nutritional information, supplementation, in-home workouts, recommendations on where to eat outside of the home, and/or strategies on attaining the correct mindset. You are then held accountable to follow this program for maximum results.

What if you fail to do your part, or God-forbid, embellish on what you say you actually did outside the sessions? Well, then you are subject to the laws of Cause and Effect (the effect you receive is a direct result of the cause you did - or did not do). This is also known as the law of Action & Reaction where there is an equal and opposite reaction to your action (Remember, Newton’s 3rd Law of Motion?).

This falls into the category of Laws of Attraction where what comes to you is a direct result of what you think or do. Or, in this case, don’t do because of your negative thoughts or inactions.

Besides, I don’t believe many of you would lie about what you are or are not doing. I believe you would all “Honor Your Self Promises” as it would only give you negative effects when you really desire for the positive effect.

Here is how the Plan of Action program works.

  1. You hire a FPC/Beyond Fitness professional personal trainer and commit to at least 10 training sessions.
  2. You meet with your trainer/coach to assess and evaluate your current workouts and lifestyle outside of the training sessions (one-hour).
  3. Your coach designs your workout program and you sign a self-honoring contract to hold yourself accountable for following our recommendations.
  4. We take you through 10 sessions of workouts that progress your intensity each time. These workouts will burn calories, strengthen muscles and joints, improve you balance, and develop a strong core that will have you peforming better in life and/or sport.
  5. Feedback or program modifications are provided via email, phone and/or meetings during pre-set days and times as necessary. For example, a once-weekly contact via email, or a face-to-face meeting.

*Your initial consultation covers an evaluation of your current workout program, lifestyle assessment, and program design that may include recommendations on nutritional information or supplementation, workouts you do at home, recommendations on where to eat outside of the home, strategies on attaining the correct mindset, or based on our completed evaluation, affiliate resources such as a MAT session to correct muscular imbalances or weakness.

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