Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Breaking the Barriers to Reach Your Goals
By Robert Garza, CPT, RTS

It’s a mathematical fact that, “The shortest distance between two points is a straight line.” This statement also holds true when moving toward your goals.

Anything that stands between You and Your Goal will create a bend in that line lengthening the distance to your goal.

Much of the time what separates you further from your goal are what I call self-induced barriers. These self-induced barriers can be in the form of any negative thoughts or doubts that enter you mind which hold you back. They turn into your story, excuses, or conversations of why you aren’t attaining your goals.

You → [your self-induced barriers] → Your Goal

Once you break through your self-induced barriers you can then move quicker to your goal. But first, you must recognize what those barriers are and then how to break past them. It’s all in your thought process that will slow you down from reaching your goal.

Here is a common self-induced barrier I hear: “But, I have no self- control.”

Are you kidding me! You have plenty of self-control. For example, if you eat junk food and not exercise you are demonstrating great self-control at eating junk and not exercising.

Therefore, you have successfully developed the habit of having self-control of not doing the things you’re supposed to do in order to get into great shape. Now, all you need to do is channel your self-control into working for you and not against you. Here’s a tip: consistency creates a habit.

Your body craves consistency! If you consistently lounge around, sit in front of the television, and stuff your face with unhealthy snacks or foods you will develop the habit of doing those things over time. Begin to workout and eat healthier foods and over time you will develop a fit & healthy habit.

Believe it or not, once you get past the first few weeks of exercising regularly you will actually miss working out if for some reason you were to skip it on a scheduled day! Your body will begin to crave the consistency of exercise which means you are now developing the habit of working out. Start working out three days per week at the same time of day and your body will develop consistency. Before you know it you’ll have self-control to continue exercising and also the self-control to not blow it off.

Here’s an action task to help identify some of your barriers.

Write down your name on the left side of a blank sheet of paper. On the other side of the paper write down the goal you wish to attain. Then, in between them is where you fill in any barriers that are preventing or delaying you from getting to that goal. This can be any negative thing that you feel slows you down or prevents you from reaching that goal quickly. It can be your fear, doubt, or simply questioning your ability.

[Name here] → [self-induced barriers here] → [Goal here]

Using this simple tool, you will be able to begin to understand your own personal barriers that are standing in your way. Now, you can take action towards subtracting out each of those barriers so you can reach your goals faster.

Remember that you are the CEO of the most incredible organization on this planet – your own human body.

For the complete and longer version of this article go to my website, www.mybeyondfitness.com and sign into the member’s section – it’s free!