What is FitcomXpo?
Thanks to breakthrough technology and the ability of the Internet to bring us all together, you can now attend the world's largest fitness industry event -- all from the comfort of your own home.
That's right.
No traveling.
No expensive plane rides or airport headaches.
No taxis or car rentals.
No overpriced hotel food.
How does FitcomXpo work?Using the latest technology, you'll be able to follow along LIVE with each presentation. You can either listen over the phone or watch it streaming over the Internet.
There's no special downloads. Just login to your account here and you'll be taken to the special page to listen live.
Plus, you'll be able to ask questions directly to the presenters too!
You'll have all the handouts ahead of time and if a presenter wants to show you a demonstration, you can see it via video on the site.
It will be just like attending an event in person, except you can follow along in your pajamas!
How much to attend FitcomXpo?
If you wanted to attend an event like this in person -- you'd shell out around $300 for registration, $280 for 2 nights at the hotel, another $350 for airfare plus $200 more for meals.
When all is said and done, you're looking at well over $1,000.00.
FitcomXpo is all delivered online you are going to save. Big Time!
Because we don't have to pay for hotel space and we are saving thousands of dollars by not flying speakers in from all over the globe. Plus just by not printing out 10,000 handouts, we're saving $30,000 right there.
So you are going to have the biggest and best fitness industry event delivered to you on a silver platter for just $199.
50% OFF Early Bird Registration
When you register right now, you will save 50% off your registration fee. So you'll be able to attend EVERY session for just $99.
Special Bonus: 3 More Months of VIP Access!
And to make it impossible for you to say no, I'm going to sweeten the deal. When you register today, you'll have unlimited access to all the sessions and networking forums for 3 extra months.
So you can take your time and listen to the sessions over and over again to get all those nuggets of wisdom.
You get everything: unlimited VIP access to EVERY session, all the networking forums, online video demonstrations, downloadable handouts, live chat rooms, interaction with speakers and so much more for just $99.
Reserve your spot at 1/2 off right now below:
FitcomXpoRobert Garza, CPT, RTS
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